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Family Guy Wish It Want It Do It Quote

Airdate: November 21, 2010

"I have written a acknowledged Phenomenon!"

Receiving hundreds of packages in the postal service containing unsold copies of his failed novel Faster Than the Speed of Beloved, Brian is convinced that he is not meant to be a writer and gives upwards. While reading The New York Times, Brian discovers that a self-help book is the highest-selling book on its bestseller list, and after some persuasion by Stewie, decides to write his own in order to prove that any idiot tin can write a self-help book. Finishing it in three hours and titling it Wish It, Want It, Exercise Information technology, Brian publishes the book, and it immediately becomes a commercial success. Brian decides to hire Stewie as his publicist when the book becomes popular. Going to dinner subsequently that night with Stewie, Brian reflects on his newfound fame and becomes angered when Stewie botches his dinner reservations. Seeking to reconcile his relationship with Brian, he books him an appearance on the talk show Existent Time with Bill Maher.

During the program, Stewie and Brian are informed that the show's topic and its guests take been inverse two hours earlier the testify begins. Condign angered at Stewie once again, Brian fires him and continues on to the show's panel. While on the show, Bill Maher, along with other panelists Arianna Huffington and Dana Gould, begin to criticize Brian's book, stating that it does not run into the expectations of the public and is shallow, repetitive, and banal. Brian attempts to defend it, simply ultimately confesses that he wrote the volume in a twenty-four hours, believing that it would sell because it is "crap". By that bespeak Maher loses what little respect he may have had for Brian, stating that a real writer would stand up by their work despite what others think. Brian urinates himself on the ready, prompting Maher to chase him off the program with a newspaper. Humiliated, Brian attempts to apologize to Stewie, just ends up blaming Stewie for everything and himself for expecting too much of him. Realizing that this is going to be as good an "apology" as information technology would get, Stewie bluntly tells him that he can't write.

"Brian Writes A Bestseller" contains examples of (YMMV goes here):

  • Acquired Situational Narcissism: Taken to the highest degree. Following the success of his novel, Brian goes from an already pretentious hack to a delusional, pompous, entitled nifty.
  • Backhanded Amends: Brian gives ane to Stewie at the end. His apology isn't "I'm sorry for beingness such an irrational dick" so much as "I'thousand sorry I wasn't more patient with your incompetence".

    Stewie: This is as far equally we're going to get, isn't information technology?

    Brian: Pretty much.

    Stewie: Y'all can't write.

  • Bait-and-Switch: When Brian leaves Stewie alone without a ride habitation, he says that at least it's not raining. He gets stabbed instead.
  • Bigger Than Jesus

    Brian: I used to retrieve that John Lennon was kind of a wiggle for proverb The Beatles were bigger than Jesus, but now, I mean, I'm not proverb that I am, only I get it.

  • Break the Haughty: Information technology only takes a few minutes for Bill Maher to change Brian from a pompous dick to bashing his own book to relieve face and wetting himself in a panic.
  • Berserk Button: Bill Maher is quick to angrily chase Brian out after the latter wets himself on the set.
    • Brian himself is quick to fly off the handle at Stewie whenever anything is less than perfect later on the success of Wish Information technology, Want Information technology, Do It goes to his head. It culminates in Stewie being fired after the Bill Maher show has a last-minute change with the guests on the panel.
  • Color Blind Confusion: Brian complains during a particularly prima-donna moment that all the Thou&Ms brought to him are greyness when he specifically said to remove them, the joke existence that, as a dog, they're all going to look that way to him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Stewie, though Brian rapidly puts him in his identify.

    Stewie: Oh. "Great job". And so you know that phrase.

    Brian: *irked* What's that?

    Stewie: *eyes bulge* What?

    Brian: *angry* What phrase do I know?

    Stewie: *meek* Beak Maher, woo!

  • Decease Glare: Brian gives Stewie a nasty ane when he makes information technology clear that Stewie isn't welcome on his ride back to their hotel. Stewie is besides intimidated to contend further.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: Pecker Maher points out that "wish it" and "want it" mean the aforementioned thing, weakening the points presented in the book's title.
  • Asymmetric Retribution: The penultimate harbinger in the camel's dorsum for Stewie as Brian'due south publicist is with him continuing under an air vent despite the environment. He proceeds to cut off Stewie'south attempts to explicate past mimicking him before the change in Bill Maher's guests causes Brian to burn Stewie.
  • Furry Reminder:

    Brian: I said no gray G&Ms. These are all gray! notation For those who don't get it, dogs are colorblind, meaning that no affair what color M&Ms the production assistant gets for Brian, they're going to be gray to him.

  • Jerkass Ball: Brian. Fifty-fifty past the standards of his post-counterfoil self, he's a pretty large dick in this episode, becoming even more than pompous and entitled than always before.
  • Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-Guided Karma: For all of Brian's assholery displayed in the episode (his pretentious, demanding behavior, his mistreatment of fans—i.e., being dismissive of an overweight female person fan while eventually telling a adept-looking female fan he hates her for refusing to sleep with him—and specially how his lack of gratitude for Stewie), he ends up existence embarrassed and ridiculed by Neb Maher and his guests so badly that he ends up urinating himself on the air.
  • Money, Love Boy: In-Universe, Brian's real motivation for writing Wish It, Want It, Exercise It.
  • Never My Fault: Brian blames Stewie for everything that goes wrong. Stewie eventually gives up at the end when it becomes clear that he's never gonna cease.
  • Opinion Flip-Bomb: Brian's hypocritical tendencies are lampshaded in backlog this episode. Brian initially writes "Wish It, Desire It, Do It" to testify that whatever idiot can write a cocky-assistance book. Afterward it becomes a hit, he parades information technology to egomaniacal lengths until Pecker Maher criticizes it for existence the kind of cocky-subversive crap that morons purchase, at which betoken a desperate Brian slams it likewise. Maher loses any respect he had of Brian and lets him have it, telling him to at least have the courage to stand up by the material he makes, good or bad. It gets to the point he's pretty much begging Maher to give him an stance to convert to and so as to proceeds his blessing.

    Brian: *exasperated* But tell me what it is that you lot want me to say!!!

  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
    • Nib Maher tells Brian that he is a weak writer not but because of the crap he wrote, only because he doesn't even try to defend said crap.
    • Dana Gould and Arianna Huffington give liberal doses of this trope in their criticism of Brian's book, which Brian does not handle well at all and acts equally a giant dick towards them for making such suggestions.
  • Roger Rabbit Effect: Brian appears on the real alive-activity set of Real Fourth dimension with Bill Maher.
  • Springtime for Hitler: Brian wrote the volume as an insult to cocky-assist books and didn't put in any effort in writing it (he did information technology in a night and a majority of the pages were blank). It becomes a major success and Brian instantly forgets why he wrote it in the first identify.
  • Take That! and ReCut: On the Goggle box version, the testify over again makes fun of Renee Zellweger by making her look similar an ant-eater. On the DVD, Renee Zellweger looks normal and instead, the target is on how mediocre Bradley Cooper (the same guy from Wedding Crashers, He's Just Not That into Y'all, all three The Hangover movies, Silver Linings Playbook, and American Hustle) — who was dating Zellweger at the time — is.
  • The Unapologetic: Brian refuses to ain up to his horrible behavior at the very cease of the episode, and every fourth dimension it seems like he's going to apologize it quickly turns into him once again blaming Stewie for everything that happened only in an incredibly passive-aggressive manner. Stewie decides to respond directly to his confront that he can't write.
  • Ungrateful Bounder: Brian. Even after all Stewie does for him, all information technology takes a couple of mistakes on Stewie'south part (which weren't fifty-fifty actually his fault) for Brian to get angry at Stewie and fire him.
