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Is Getting Help on a Political Campine From a Forgine Goverment Agains the L aw

Dr Damon Muller, Politics and Public Administration

Key issue
The federal parliament has recently engaged in pocket-sized reforms of the federal political finance system, such as banning strange donations.
The continuing reform of political finance laws in us and territories is leading to an e'er-increasing divergence of laws betwixt jurisdictions.
A High Court decision resulting from a claiming to a Queensland law that constitute an aspect of the federal police to be unconstitutional has implications for the federal political finance regime.

Political finance broadly encompasses regulation and disclosure of donations by candidates, parties and donors; disclosure of certain other information past candidates and parties; and the payment of election funding to candidates and parties.

The 45th Parliament saw more than political finance legislation passed than at any time since the Howard government. Almost of the changes were evolutionary, rather than revolutionary.

Public funding

Parties and candidates that receive more than four per cent of the primary vote are entitled to public election funding of an indexed amount multiplied past the number of votes they receive. The per-eligible vote public funding amount for the 2019 federal election is $2.756.

In contempo federal elections, public funding was paid as an entitlement, with all candidates and parties that received more than than the 4 per cent threshold automatically receiving the full amount, unless they opted non to.

Post-obit legislative change in the 45th Parliament, parties and candidates who received at to the lowest degree four per cent of the vote will now receive an automatic payment of $10,000 (indexed). Any boosted public funding across this will exist capped at the per-eligible vote public funding rate, or the claimed electoral expenditure of the party or candidate, whichever is less. The AEC has the power to decline to pay public funding for whatever expenditure which it is non satisfied is balloter expenditure.

Political parties are not required to otherwise disclose their electoral expenditure, so at the time of publication it is not clear to what extent this new rule will affect the corporeality of public funding paid post-obit the 2019 ballot. The total amount of public funding paid in respect of the 2016 federal election was simply over $62.7 one thousand thousand.

Foreign political donations

As office of its inquiry into the 2016 federal ballot, the Articulation Continuing Committee on Electoral Matters recommended that donations from foreign citizens and entities to political parties should be banned.

In late 2018 the Parliament passed legislation to ban political donations of $one,000 or more than from foreign sources. The ban came into effect on 1 January 2019, and then while it was in identify for the 2019 federal ballot, it merely applied to the 2nd half of the 2018–nineteen donation reporting catamenia.

The new rules ban donations from foreign donors: a person who does not have a connection to Australia, such as a person who is not an Australian denizen or an entity that does non have a pregnant concern presence in Commonwealth of australia. Receiving a banned donation could incur a fine of upwards to $42,000 or three times the amount of the donation (other penalties may also apply for donors).

Central terms
Disclosure threshold: Political donations above the disclosure threshold must exist disclosed to the AEC (currently $13,800 and indexed annually).
Election funding: An corporeality of money parties and candidates receive for their campaigns, capped at the lower of either $2.756 per formal first preference vote, or the political party or candidate's electoral expenditure.
Associated entity: Organisations that are controlled past a political party or operate wholly or to a significant extent for the benefit of a political party. Many unions are associated entities of the ALP.
Transparency register: Register maintained by the AEC of all political parties, associated entities, tertiary parties, political campaigners and candidates.

The legislation also changed the registration and reporting requirements of certain political actors. A new category, 'political apostle', was created, focusing on organisations that are non political parties just that incur meaning electoral expenditure. Political campaigners now take similar reporting and disclosure obligations to political parties.

Political parties, associated entities and political campaigners are required to register on the Transparency Register, which is maintained by the AEC. Previously, entities other than political parties had reporting obligations but were not required to register.

Country and territory reforms

During the period of the 45th Parliament a number of states reformed their political finance laws. Victoria undertook an extensive reform of its laws, introducing caps on donations and substantially increasing its public funding levels. Queensland banned donations from property developers. NSW reduced the expenditure cap for tertiary parties as part of a re-write of its political finance legislation.

These reforms happened in the wake of ii key Loftier Court decisions relating to political finance:

  • in 2013 the High Court institute, in the Unions NSW conclusion, that restricting political donations only to voters on the scroll, and aggregating spending caps between parties and their associated entities, was an unconstitutional restriction on freedom of political communication.
  • in 2015 the Loftier Court found, in the McCloy decision, that bans on donations from property developers and caps on donations were permissible restrictions on the freedom of political communication every bit they served a valid and legitimate purpose and were proportional and reasonably appropriate to that purpose.

These cases clarified considerably the scope of restrictions that could be placed on political finance without breaching the implied liberty of political communication.

Both the QLD and the NSW reforms ended up before the High Court, with the QLD instance directly affecting the Commonwealth political finance regime, as explained below.

Unions NSW 5 NSW (2019)

In 2018 NSW passed new political finance legislation, mainly serving to tidy the much-amended legislation it was replacing, rather than radically reforming their political finance system. Ane new characteristic of the legislation, however, was a reduction in the expenditure cap for tertiary-party campaigners, from approximately the corporeality that political parties could spend to half that corporeality.

The Loftier Court has previously considered challenges to expenditure caps and has plant that while they are a burden on freedom of political communication, they may be justified and thus not unconstitutional.

In challenging this legislation in the High Court Unions NSW argued that the new expenditure cap for third parties impermissibly encumbered their freedom of political communication compared to political parties. The High Courtroom agreed, noting that the government had failed to justify the reduction in the expenditure cap, and struck downwards that aspect of the police.

Notably, the reasons provided past several of the justices stated that political parties and candidates did non accept a privileged position in election campaigns over tertiary parties, and that parties and candidates were non entitled to a more prominent voice in the campaign.

As this decision came soon before the 2019 NSW country election, the outcome was that third parties were non subject area to an expenditure cap for the election, unlike political parties and candidates.

Spence v. State of Queensland (2019)

Following the 2015 QLD state election, the incoming Government commenced a major overhaul of the state'south political finance laws. This continued into Labor's second term afterward the 2017 country ballot, with the passage in 2018 of a constabulary banning political donations by property developers. The effect of the police was that the ban applied to any political donation by a holding programmer, regardless of whether that donation was eventually used in a land or federal campaign.

As part of its legislation banning strange political donations, the Federal Authorities passed amendments to federal balloter legislation providing that, in effect, when a donor in a state jurisdiction makes a political donation, unless the donor or the recipient signal that the donation volition exist used for land political purposes, federal law rather than state law would apply to those donations. This would mean, for example, that a belongings developer could still donate in QLD, provided that they did not specify that the donation was for a state election campaign.

In challenging this legislation in the Loftier Courtroom, Gary Spence, a former president of the LNP of QLD, and a belongings developer, argued that the QLD ban was unconstitutional, and conflicted with the new federal law.

The High Court upheld the Queensland ban, and establish that the federal legislation relating to how country and federal laws covered donors was unconstitutional every bit information technology went beyond the Republic'south legislative power. The Loftier Court'due south decision was delivered afterward the issue of the writ for the 2019 federal election, hence the Parliament has not yet had an opportunity to consider a legislative response, and it is unclear what the impact might be on the 2019 federal ballot.

Touch on on federal laws and reform options

Contempo political finance reforms in the states and territories (and, potentially, reforms being examined by the Tasmanian Government following the 2018 Tasmanian country election) take left a significant disconnect between federal and land law:

  • NSW, Victoria, QLD and South Commonwealth of australia all require most real-time disclosure during elections, whereas under federal law disclosures are past financial year and are not reported until the February after the fiscal year (donations for the 2019 federal election will non be made public until Feb 2020).
  • NSW and QLD now ban donations from certain industries, such as property developers, and Victoria and NSW cap donations.
  • the disclosure threshold, the amount at which a donation must be declared, is indexed and currently $13,800 for federal elections. In NSW, Victoria and QLD the cap is $1,000 (non-indexed).

Currently, for case, a property developer cannot donate to campaigns for any level of government in QLD, can only donate to federal campaigns in NSW, and tin can donate to federal (any amount) or country (capped at $iv,000) campaigns in Victoria. A donation of $5000 is illegal in Victoria if it is for a state entrada, must be alleged weekly in QLD for a state or federal campaign, and does not need to declared at all in Tasmania.

The Spence decision appears to affirm the ability of states and territories to regulate political donations that are made in their jurisdictions, provided that it is otherwise consistent with the freedom of political advice, without Democracy interference. It also potentially allows the other states and territories to farther expand disclosure obligations and restrictions on donors in a way that might impact on political parties' ability to fundraise for federal elections.

These inconsistencies may testify to exist an incentive for harmonisation of federal and land and territory political finance laws.

The ALP and the Australian Greens each introduced legislation in the 45th Parliament that would accept reduced the donation disclosure threshold to $1,000 and required more than real-time disclosure of donations. Such reforms would enhance the compatibility of the federal political finance arrangement with those of the states and territories.

The advert entrada past Clive Palmer for his United Australia Political party at the 2019 federal election reportedly toll $threescore million, and failed to win the party any seats in the lower house, or, at the fourth dimension of publication, the Senate. The spending by Mr Palmer has led to calls for limits on expenditure in federal election campaigns.

Further reading

D Muller, Election funding and disclosure in Australian states and territories: a quick guide, Inquiry paper series, 2018–xix, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 2018.

D Muller, Ballot funding and disclosure in Australia: a quick guide to recent reforms and current issues, Research paper serial, 2017–18, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 2018.

D Wood and K Griffiths, Who's in the room? Access and influence in Australian politics. Grattan Plant, Carlton, 2018.

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