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How Can I Print Multiple Different Pictures on One Page

How to print two photos on one page?


Hello granny1994,

If you use Office Word, you can cut and paste on a single page and then resize the pictures.
Or you can use the Insert option to browse photos and then paste it on the page.

Not sure if that's what you try to do it.
Answer please come back and let us know.


Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
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Tags: Windows

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    Early ' 08 IMac, El Capitan 10.11.2 improved IPhoto to Photos

    Select two ore more photos, and then press the combination of keys ⌘P

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    What operating system do you use?

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    Thank you for your kindness,


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    Hi Sue

    You can use the free Live Photo Gallery to do this.

    Microsoft - Windows Live Essentials Download Center:

    The Ctrl Key, select 4 photos you want to print.

    In the main menu, select print.

    This will show a printer configuration page where you can select how you want the willing photos, number of photos on the page and other options.


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    During the installation process, it should ask you to install the HP Photo Creations software which allows you to do many things including print some photos on a single sheet. Please download the latest version from the following link and install it on your computer:

    Kind regards.

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    The following steps may be worth a try:

    In Windows Live Photo Gallery... Hold your Ctrl key
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    You need a printer that supports the boderless. Your printer does NOT support this feature.

    Kind regards.

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    1. Go to file > new file empty. Enter the dimensions of the paper, the resolution 240 px / en, white background
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    3. Crop your photo to 2 x 2 "with the crop tool. This tool bar option, enter resolution 240 px / in this way.
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    Open the photo in Windows Paint and go... Image / Flip rotation / Flip Horizontal.
    Save your picture changed with a different name if you keep the original then go
    TO... File / print.

    More information on Windows Vista - paint:

    How to rotate (Flip) an Image using Microsoft Paint

    Open Paint

    With the help of paint

    Paint tools

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    Thank you!

    Just like during the printing of documents, the address of the web site link will be shown or not to appear at the bottom of the page. & containerID = 4700 & issue = true & issue = how 20to % 20auto %...

    If you want to automate the whole process, (if you do not have to manually add the text box each time), take a look at addField(); in the JS_API_Reference manual.

    He is example how to add a button to each page navi, but is simple enough change to add a textbox field to the bottom of each page with the Try67 code to pull in the name of the file.

    Thank you


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    File > open

    Select multiple files with SHIFT + click, if they are contiguous or Command (control) + click if they are not.

    Alternatively, multiple selection from Finder / Explorer of Windows file / bridge.

    The Finder screen:

    Screenshot of the bridge with two selected images:

    Here are a few ways. All are based on multiple selection. You can also drag a marquee to select.

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    Hi bubba43,

    Please select the images in the library grid mode Module and then drag and drop them in another folder you want.

    Kind regards


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How Can I Print Multiple Different Pictures on One Page
