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What Night Does the Bold Type Come on

'The Bold Type' Stars Tease Their Characters' Endings & Look Back on 5 Seasons

The Bold Type Season 5 Gallery Aisha Dee Meghann Fahy Katie Stevens

Freeform/Nino Munoz

After five seasons, The Bold Type comes to an end on June 30, and while we're going to miss Jane (Katie Stevens), Kat (Aisha Dee), Sutton (Meghann Fahy), Jacqueline (Melora Hardin), Oliver (Stephen Conrad Moore), and everyone else we met through the exploration of Scarlet magazine over the years, the good news is it sounds like we'll get the closure we need.

"It feels like everything that happens this season is all about kind of closing chapters in ways that feel hopefully really satisfying for people watching," Dee tells TV Insider.

Fahy echoes that sentiment: "I think that our writers had the really difficult job of only having six episodes to wrap up an entire series, and they did that in a way that I think is really beautiful and graceful."

Heading into the series finale, Jacqueline has told Jane her plans to retire and asked her to take over as editor-in-chief, and Jane accepted. Kat and her ex-girlfriend Adena (Nikohl Boosheri) have plans to turn their "Don't Turn Away" installation into a vertical at Scarlet. And Sutton and Richard (Sam Page) fell into bed together while he was in town with their divorce papers.

But how will it all end for everyone? The stars tease that and look back at the past five seasons below.

The Bold Type, Series Finale, Wednesday, June 30, 10/9c, Freeform

Katie Stevens The Bold Type Series Finale Jane

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Katie Stevens on Jane's ending

"All I will say is that I think Jane ends up exactly where she was always meant to end up and that I think that all of the girls end up in those same places for them. I'm really happy with where the writers have taken these stories and where we've left these girls. I think that in a really beautiful way we leave it so that fans can daydream about what happens after that final scene closes."

The Bold Type Season 5 Fashion Closet Sutton Jane Kat

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Katie Stevens on her favorite memories from the series

"Honestly, I just think of day-to-day stuff on the set. Five years with the same people, you really do become like a family and you have this bond with each other that it feels like a secret club because you understand each other in a way that no one else — unless they were part of the experience — can understand. So it's a really beautiful bond and it's something that gives me such an understanding when I've seen interviews of other shows that have been on the air for many years and when they talk about the relationships and the friendships and the family dynamic that they've created. We created that and it's something so, so special and it's one of the best things that I've been able to take away from the show."

Aisha Dee The Bold Type Series Finale Kat

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Aisha Dee on Kat's ending

"I was totally surprised. I didn't really believe it at first, but it does feel very right to me and it does make me very happy. I really hope that for fans of the show, it feels like a satisfying end for them as well. It definitely felt like that for me."

The Bold Type Series Finale Launch Party

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Aisha Dee on her favorite memories from the series

"I remember in the first season, I said to our creators, 'Just so you know, I don't do cardio. So none of that.' And I think every episode they had me running to Adena or doing a spin class or running through Central Park. It was a lot of cardio, and I actually really kind of loved those moments. I think one of the big highlights for me was anytime we got to film in New York because it always kind of felt like the circus was going to New York. And then I think we were really lucky our producers worked really hard [so] we would wrap the series with a scene where everyone was there and it was a big party and our entire crew was there and it was a really special moment, ending it all."

Meghann Fahy The Bold Type Season 5 Sutton

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Meghann Fahy on Sutton's ending

"Ultimately the way that it ends up [for Sutton and Richard] is something that really honors both of the characters in a way that feels authentic. … I feel really proud of where [Sutton] ends up. I feel great about where Sutton ends up as a person in the world and the way that she wants to be represented in her career and how passionate she has been about that. So I think the fans will be happy with it too."

The Bold Type Series Finale Kat Sutton Jane Hug

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Meghann Fahy on her favorite memories from the series

"The thing that I'm most proud of is just the way that we represent female friendship on the show. That's sort of true to how Katie and Aisha and myself experience it in the real world, which is that you have friends who are loving and supportive and are cheerleaders for you and are not talking about you behind your back or stealing your boyfriend. A lot of times on TV, you see female friendship portrayed that way, and I love that we sort of never had any villains on our show. We weren't confrontational about things when there were issues between characters, it was always like, 'Well, let's talk about this,' instead of, 'Let's talk about it behind this person's back.'"

Melora Hardin The Bold Type Season 5 Jacqueline

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Melora Hardin on Jacqueline's ending

"Her story ends in a way that is satisfying and it'll be satisfying to the audience. It was satisfying to me playing her. It feels like the right move in the right way and emotionally like she's in the right place at the end of the series."

The Bold Type Season 1 Finale Carry the Weight Jacqueline


Melora Hardin on her favorite memories from the series

"Certainly the 'Carry the Weight' episode is really profound for my character. I think the Ian-Jacqueline storyline was really an important one for Jacqueline to see that she wasn't this perfect, paper cutout of a mentor, but she was actually a real person who has struggles of her own and then to watch how she handles those struggles in a loving, intelligent, compassionate, caring, graceful way to me makes her more of a mentor. And I think just the way that she dealt with getting fired from editor-in-chief and then coming back again because the readers wouldn't let her go and also because Kat and Jane and Sutton stepped up and revealed the real truth there."

The Bold Type Series Finale Fashion Closet Toast

Freeform/Jonathan Wenk

Melora Hardin on Jacqueline's legacy

"I will never forget that moment when she first sees the three main characters in the fashion closet in the first episode of the pilot, and we sort of do a little nod to that again. There's something about that: It's her legacy. Her seeing herself and what she's built and watching these young women step into their power and step into who they are is very satisfying for Jacqueline."

The Bold Type

Aisha Dee

Katie Stevens

Meghann Fahy

Melora Hardin

What Night Does the Bold Type Come on
